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Concurrent Session (Onsite and Online)

CU2308. Stampede of Hot Accounting and Auditing Topics

Has your credit union or auditee delved into new programs that may provide accounting challenges to your staff or auditors. Such areas may include: purchased financial assets, leases, deferred compensation plans, ECIP, Grants and Single Audits, and more. With these new programs there may be certain accounting and reporting that can be missed. In today's session we will cover some of these more complex accounting areas and explore ways to ensure proper accounting and reporting is performed.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify challenges with current accounting and reporting.
  • Analyze ways to properly account for these matters.
  • Determine solutions to enhance efficiencies in audit and accounting.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Accounting (Governmental)
3-4 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation