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EDG2402. Leave Me Alone: People Management for the Non-People Person

The ultimate survival guide for the introverted or task-focused professional, Leave Me Alone challenges the idea that the best managers love being around people all day. Join Erin Crowley - Spiirall Global Learning + Development Advisor, lead coach, and people development specialist - to learn how to become an extraordinary developer of talent without sacrificing the autonomy, space, and results-driven environment you thrive in.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recall commonly held beliefs surrounding leadership traits and skillsets.
  • Distinguish the impact of varying people management behaviors.
  • Identify skills that empower effective development strategies and harmonious balance.
  • Select action steps with tools, resources, and inspiration.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Personal Development
0-2 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation
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