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FVC2415. Litigation Talk Series - Demystifying Daubert

Daubert challenges represent a pivotal aspect of the legal and expert witness landscape, shaping the admissibility of expert testimony in courts. In this presentation, we delve into the nuanced realm of Daubert challenges, drawing insights and lessons from recent cases involving expert exclusions. By examining recent case examples and distilling lessons learned, this presentation aims to demystify Daubert challenges and empower experts with the knowledge and strategies needed to navigate this complex terrain effectively.

Learning Objectives:

  • Distinguish criteria courts consider in determining the admissibility of expert evidence, including methodology, peer review, and error rates.
  • Analyze recent court rulings where expert testimony was challenged and excluded, highlighting key reasons for exclusion.
  • Analyze strategies employed by attorneys and the responses of expert witnesses in these cases.
  • Identify common themes and pitfalls observed in recent expert exclusion cases, offering insights into recurring challenges faced by legal practitioners.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge
1-2 years in profession
Advanced Preparation
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