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FVC2417. Transforming the Next Generation of Accounting, Forensic and Valuation Professionals

This session will focus on ways that we can enlighten new entrants to the accounting and finance pipeline about opportunities in forensic and valuation services.

The panel will share their experiences working towards a healthy pipeline of new and existing talent as well as support emerging professionals, so they better understand the work, and how to fill the gaps in their knowledge and stay in the profession.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize where individuals can better support the accounting pipeline and emerging professionals.
  • Select resources offered by AICPA & CIMA, the Forensic and Valuation Services (FVS) section, and the National Pipeline Advisory Group (NPAG) that individuals can utilize to support pipeline growth.
  • Identify existing roadblocks in a firm’s recruiting and onboarding practices to enable better connection with the marketplace.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Business Management & Organization
1-2 years in profession
Advanced Preparation
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