Concurrent Session Online
NOT2346. State Regulators Panel (ONLINE ONLY)
State Attorneys General are more often on the frontlines of guarding and protecting charitable assets. When the IRS might be silent on something, a state AG might take action. And more often, states are collaborating on initiatives. In this session, we'll hear more about the initiates and intentions of state AGs, and how practitioners should consider them when advising charitable orgs. Also -- how does each state define charitable?
Learning Objectives:
- Differentiate how the States and the Internal Revenue Service are similar and not so similar, in regards to how governmental regulators exercise oversight of nonprofits
- Analyze current areas of focus for various state regulators in regards to their oversight of nonprofits operating in their particular states
- Determine answers to your questions regarding state regulation of nonprofits
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
3-5 Years in the Profession
Advanced Preparation