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Conference Keynote Onsite and Online

PRA2301. Reality-Based Leadership: Recapturing the 2.5 hours per day PER PERSON of lost productivity in your firm

Every firm right now is trying all they can to find more resources, more staff, better retention and recruiting strategies while unlocking more efficiency to serve the growing demands of their clients. This keynote will show you an enormous opportunity nearly every person is missing to impact all of those challenges that is sitting right in front of you - recapturing energy lost to drama in the workplace. In this ground-breaking session you will learn about the main sources of workplace drama that add up to nearly 2.5 hours per day PER PERSON of wasted time and energy leaking out of your organization. You’ll walk away with insightful case studies, as well as practical and actionable tools to coach beyond venting, improve those “hey, do you have a minute?” conversations that often get off track, increase buy-in and personal accountability in your team, overcome resistance to change and consistently turn excuses into results.

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the main sources of workplace drama that hinder team success
  • Indicate why venting is never helpful and how to coach the person in front of you
  • Identify 2 coaching tools to focus team energy on ‘how we could’ given the challenge circumstances being faced
  • Recall energy management techniques to better lead your team through change
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Personnel/Human Resources
0-2 years in the Profession
Advanced Preparation
Session Tags