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PRA2509. The Art of Alignment - Balancing Your Firm, Your Team, Your Clients, and Yourself

In the fast-paced world of accounting, maintaining harmony between your firm’s core values, team dynamics, client relationships, and personal aspirations is crucial yet often deprioritized. But even slight deviations off-course can result in feelings of overwhelm, unhappy staff, mediocre clients or finding yourself running a firm you no longer love.

Learning Objectives:

  • Unveil the Impact: Explore how misalignment leads to team dissatisfaction and client attrition, and discover the health and financial implications.
  • Recognize the Signs: Learn to identify subtle cues indicating misalignment within your firm, team, client base, and even yourself.
  • Strategies for Success: Gain actionable insights on how to align your firm’s values, synchronize team objectives, enhance client satisfaction, and foster personal fulfillment as a business owner.
NASBA Field of Study
Business Management & Organization
Intermediate – (3-4 years in the profession)
3-4 years in the profession
Advanced Preparation