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Concurrent Session

FVC2310. Preparing for Tomorrow’s Workforce

This session will focus on strategies related to building the workforce of tomorrow. Specifically, the panel will address the current state of the talent pipeline in valuation and forensic specialties and the evolution of today’s workface. The panel will explore how firms can increase success with recruiting new talent as well increase engagement with existing talent. In addition, the panel will explore the role of DEI programs in support of these efforts and discuss sample metrics organizations are establishing to track DEI progress.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify existing challenges and roadblocks that have limited the pipeline of talent in the valuation and forensic specialties
  • Recognize ways that firms can adjust to the rapidly changing needs and demands of today’s workforce, including how DEI efforts could improve a firm’s success
  • Choose new ways to increase engagement with existing talent and prepare them for leadership roles
  • Analyze sample metrics organizations are establishing to track DEI progress
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Business Management & Organization
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