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SEC2306. Evolving Regulatory Landscape and Impact on Governance Oversight

Regulators continue to focus on ways to increase access to and trust within the U.S. capital markets through new and proposed standards, rules and regulations that are directly impacting corporate governance and financial reporting and disclosure. Join our distinguished panel of current board members, who have previously served as former CFOs and a former FASB Chair, as we cover significant considerations of the audit committee and the board with respect to governance oversight of the financial reporting process and compliance.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify significant regulations that may have a direct effect on how your audit committee oversees the organization’s financial reporting and disclosure process.
  • Recognize how to prioritize new and emerging regulations that may require more significant board and committee agenda time and discussion.
  • Apply key questions/considerations to pose to management and the auditors with respect to implementation of new/proposed regulations.
CPE Credits
NASBA Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge
For individuals at all organizational levels
Advanced Preparation